Correspondence of George Bird Evans and Kay Evans [manuscript], 1972-1992.


Correspondence of George Bird Evans and Kay Evans [manuscript], 1972-1992.

In a series of letters to Don Miller, a friend and book collector the Evanses discuss grouse hunting and dog breeding, publication of "George Bird Evans introduces," "Men who shot and wrote about it" and "An affair with grouse." The collection also contains prospectuses from the National Sporting Fraternity and the Amwell Press annoucing publication of books by George Bird Evans and an audiocassette "An evening at Old Hemlock: Kay and George read George Bird Evans," 1989.

circa 65 items.


SNAC Resource ID: 7936860

University of Virginia. Library

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Miller, Don, 1935- (person)

Evans, Kay, (person)

Evans, George Bird, 1906- (person)